Scientific publications

Archaea & Microbiota

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"archaea & microbiota"

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Chapitres de livres  

  •  The ECSIM concept (Environmental Control System for Intestinal Microbiota) and its derivative versions to help better understand human gut biology.  Brugère J.-F., D. Feria-Gervasio,  Z.  Popse,  W. Tottey and M.  Alric (2011).  In Biomedical Engineering / Book 1, Intech Edition, ISBN 978-953-307-256-2.   LIEN

  •  Archaebiotics: archaea as pharmabiotics for treating chronic disease in humans?  Ben Hania W., Ballet N., Vandeckerkove P., Ollivier B., O’Toole P.W., Brugère J.-F. (2017)In Archaea - New Biocatalysts, Novel Pharmaceuticals and Various Biotechnological Applications, Intech Edition, ISBN 978-953-51-5243-9.    LIEN

Liste exhaustive chronologique depuis 2008 (sans accès aux documents)

2008 - 2011
  • Mihajlovski A., Alric M., Brugère J.-F. (2008). A putative new order of methanogenic Archaea inhabiting the human gut revealed by molecular analyses of the mcrA gene. Res. Microbiol. 159: 516-521. PMID: 18644435
  • Brugère J-F, Mihajlovski A., Alric M. (2008). StabyCloning based molecular methods for the identification of novel microbial strains. In DelphiGenetics Technical Note. 
  • Brugère J.-F., Baud E., Gobron E., Cailloux F. (2008). Single-tube genotyping using a solid-phase method that combines a-phosphorothioate-mediated primer extension and ExoIII: proof of concept with the F508del cystic fibrosis diagnosis. Mol. Cell. Probes, 22(5-6):320-3. PMID: 18657606
  • Brugère J.-F., Mihajlovski A., Missaoui M., Peyret P. (2009). Tools for stools: the challenge of assessing human intestinal microbiota using molecular diagnostics. Expert Rev. Mol. Diagn. 9 (4), 353-365. PMID: 19435456
  • Mihajlovski A., Doré J., Levenez F., Alric M., Brugère J.-F. (2010). Molecular evaluation of the human gut methanogenic archaeal microbiota reveals an age-associated increase of the diversity. Environ Microbiol Rep. 2 (2) , 272-280. PMID: 23766078
  • Feria-Gervasio D., Denis S., Alric M., Brugère J.-F. (2011). In vitro maintenance of a human proximal colon microbiota using the continuous fermentation system P-ECSIM. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 91(5),1425-1433. PMID: 21773764
  • Feria-Gervasio D., Tottey W., Cardot J.M., Vandekerckove P., Denis S., Alric M., Brugère J.F. (2011). Influence segment-dépendante d’une souche probiotique de Lactobacillus plantarum sur le microbiote colique humain analysé en système in vitro 3S-ECSIM. Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique (46) S83. 
  • Feria-Gervasio D., Tottey W., Pujos-Guillot E., Martin J.F., Sébédio J.L., Cardot J.M., Denis S., Alric M., Brugère J.F. (2011). Le temps de transit colique simulé en modèle tri-étagé de fermentation continue (3S-ECSIM) influence la structure et le métabolisme d’un microbiote humain. Cahiers de nutrition et de diététique (46) S83. 
  • Brugère J.-F., D. Feria-Gervasio,  Z.  Popse,  W. Tottey and M.  Alric (2011). The ECSIM concept (Environmental Control System for Intestinal Microbiota) and its derivative versions to help better understand human gut biology. In Biomedical Engineering / Book 1, Intech Edition, ISBN 978-953-307-256-2. 

  • Borrel G., Harris H.M.B., Tottey W., Mihajlovski A., Parisot N., Peyretaillade E., Peyret P., Gribaldo S., O’Toole P.W., Brugère J.-F. (2012). Genome sequence of “Candidatus Methanomethylophilus alvus” Mx1201, a methanogenic archaeon from the human gut belonging to a seventh order of methanogens. J.Bacteriol. 194(24):6944-5. PMID: 23209209
  • Brugère J.-F., Gobron S., Baud E., Cailloux F. (2013). Design and validation of a colorimetric test for the genetic diagnosis of hemochromatosis using a-phosphorothioate nucleotides. Biochem. Genet. 51(7-8):635-43. PMID: 2367408
  • Tottey W., Denonfoux J., Jaziri F., Parisot N., Missaoui M., Hill D., Borrel G., Peyretaillade E., Alric M., Harris H.M.B., Jeffery I.B., Claesson M.J., O’Toole P.W., Peyret P., Brugère J.-F. (2013). The human Gut Chip “HuGChip”, an explorative phylogenetic microarray for determining gut microbiome diversity at Family level. PlosONE, 8(5): e62544. PMID: 23690942
  • Borrel G., Harris H.M.B., Parisot N., Gaci N., Tottey W., Mihajlovski A., Deane J., Gribaldo S., Bardot O., Peyretaillade E., Peyret P., O’Toole P.W., Brugère J.-F. (2013). Genome sequence of “Candidatus Methanomassiliicoccus intestinalis” Issoire-Mx1, a third Thermoplasmatales-related methanogenic archaeon from human feces. Genome Announc. 1(4): e00453-13. PMID: 23846268
  • Borrel G., O’Toole P.W., Peyret P., Brugère J.-F., Gribaldo S. (2013). Phylogenomic data support a seventh order of methylotrophic methanogens and provide insights into the evolution of methanogenesis. Genome Biol. Evol. 5(10): 1769-1780. PMID: 23985970
  • Brugère J.-F., Borrel G., Gaci N., Tottey W., O’Toole P.W., Malpuech-Brugère C. (2014) Archaebiotics: proposed therapeutic use of archaea to prevent trimethylaminuria and cardiovascular disease. Gut Microbes. 5(1): 5-10. PMID: 2424728
  • Ounnas F., Privé F., Tottey W., Salen P., Hazane-Puch F., Laporte F., Del Rio D., Calani L., Melegari C., Brugère J-F., Demeilliers C., de Lorgeril M. (2014). P191: La consommation de seigle complet augmente les acides gras à chaine longue oméga-3 et modifie le profil du microbiote intestinal chez le rat. Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme (28) S168.  
  • Borrel G., Gaci N., Peyret P., O’Toole P.W., Gribaldo S., Brugère J.-F., (2014) Unique characteristics of the pyrrolysine system in the 7th order of methanogens: implications for the evolution of a genetic code expansion cassette. Archaea. Article ID 374146. PMID: 24669202
  • Feria-Gervasio D., Tottey W., Gaci N., Alric M., Cardot J.-M., Peyret P., Martin J.-F., Pujos E., Sébédio J.-L., Brugère J.-F., (2014) Three-stage continuous culture system with a self-generated anaerobia to study the regionalized metabolism of the human gut microbiota. J. Microbiol. Methods 96(1): 111-118. PMID: 24333608
  • Parisot N., Faouzi J., Abid A., Denonfoux J., Ribière C., Boucher D., Brugère J.-F., Mahul A., Hill D., Peyretaillade P., Peyret P. (2014)  PhylOPDb: a 16S rRNA oligonucleotide probe database for prokaryotic identification. Database. 2014(0):bau036. PMID: 25124552.
  • Borrel G., Parisot N., Harris H.M., Peyretaillade E., Gaci N., Tottey W., Bardot O., Raymann K., Gribaldo S., Peyret P., O'Toole P.W., Brugère J.-F. (2014) Comparative genomics highlights the unique biology of Methanomassiliicoccales, a Thermoplasmatales-related seventh order of methanogenic archaea that encodes pyrrolysine. BMC Genomics. 15(1):679. PMID: 25124552, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-679 
  • Gaci N., Borrel G., Tottey W., O’Toole P.W., Brugère J.-F. (2014) Archaea and the human gut: New beginning of an old story. World J. Gastroenterol. 20(43): 16062-16078. PMID: 25473158, DOI: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i43.16062
  • Tottey W., Gaci N., Borrel B., Alric M., O’Toole P.W., Brugère J.-F. (2015) In-vitro model for studying methanogens in human gut microbiota. Anaerobe. 34: 50-52. 10.1016/j.anaerobe.2015.04.009
  • Chaudhary P. P., Gaci N., Borrel G., O’Toole P. W., Brugère J.-F. (2015). Molecular methods for studying methanogens of the human gastrointestinal tract: current status and future directions. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 99(14), 5801-5815. PMID: 26088176, DOI: 10.1007/s00253-015-6739-2

  • Ounnas F., Privé F., Salen P., Gaci N., Tottey W., Calani L., Bresciani L., Lopez-Gutierrez N., Hazane-Puch F., Laporte F., Brugère J.-F., Del Rio D., Demeillers C., de Lorgeril M. (2016). Whole Rye Consumption Improves Blood and Liver n-3 Fatty Acid Profile and Gut Microbiota Composition in Rats. PloS one, 11(2), e0148118.
  • Brugère J.-F. (2016) Une approche rationnelle pour des probiotiques de nouvelle génération : exemple des archaebiotics pour prévenir les maladies cardiovasculaires. CNRIUT 2016, 50 ans de recherche en IUT.
  • Belkorchia A, Pombert J.-F., Polonais V., Parisot N., Delbac F., Brugère J.-F., Peyret P., Gaspin C., Peyretaillade E. (2016) Comparative genomics of microsporidian genomes reveals a minimal non-coding RNA set and new insights for transcription in minimal eukaryotic genomes. DNA Res 24(3):251-260
  • Tottey W., Feria-Gervasio D., Gaci N., Laillet B., Pujos-Guillot E., Martin J.-F., Sébédio J.-L., Sion B., Jarrige J.-F., Alric M., Brugère J.-F. (2017) Colonic transit time is a driven force of the gut microbiota composition and metabolism: in vitro evidence. J. Neurogastroenterol. Motil., 23(1), 124-134.
  • Borrel G., McCann A., Deane J., Neto M.C., Lynch D.B., Brugère J.-F., O’Toole P.W. (2017) Genomics and metagenomics of trimethylamine-utilizing Archaea in the human gut microbiome. ISME J. 11(9):2059-2074
  • Gaci N., Chaudhary P.P., Tottey W., Alric M., Brugère J.-F. (2017) Functional amplification and preservation of human gut microbiota. Microb. Ecol. Health D., 28(1):1308070
  • Gaci N., Flemer B., Borrel G., Sanderson I.R., Chaudhary P.P., Tottey W., O’Toole P.W., Brugère J.-F. (2017) Faecal microbiota profile across the lifespan of healthy Rattus norvegicus. Gut Microb., 8(5):428-439
  • Ben Hania W., Ballet N., Vandeckerkove P., Ollivier B., O’Toole P.W., Brugère J.-F. (2017) Archaebiotics: archaea as pharmabiotics for treating chronic disease in humans? In Archaea - New Biocatalysts, Novel Pharmaceuticals and Various Biotechnological Applications, Intech Edition, ISBN 978-953-51-5243-9.