Rationale of the use of Archaeato deplete TMA in the intestine / pTMAO in plasma
faith of intestinal TMA
Intestinal (gut microbes synthesized) TMA reaches the liver. It is typically converted by the FMO3 monoxygenase human/liver enzyme which leads to TMAO (trimethylamine oxide) (at right). This TMAO goes into the plasma and next leads to several human diseases (in which various mechanisms are implied): mainly cardiovascular disease, encompassing atherosclerosis, and chronic renal disease. At left, alternatively, some subjects have no (or not enough) active FMO3 enzyme, leading to trimethylaminuria (high ratio of TMA vs TMAO in urine), also called Fish-Odor Syndrome: TMA (rotten fish odor) goes into body fluids and leads to the malodor of these patients.